E-learning Day Information


Q: What is an e-learning day?

A: The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) established the Virtual Option for Inclement Weather (known informally as e-learning days) in 2014 as a response to schools that had the ability to provide high-quality instruction electronically in the event of severe weather that would normally require a school day to be canceled. Provided that a school can meet several assurances, the IDOE will grant the school the ability to provide instruction to students virtually and to count the day as a regular school day. IDOE requires that all activities on an e-learning day take place as if a regular school day was occurring and all students have access to any individual accommodations or supports as needed.

Q: How will my child access their materials on an e-learning day?

A: We will be utilizing Echo to post student assignments, facilitate discussions, and submit work. All students are given a district-issued Echo account to access materials and assignments.

Q: What if my child does not have internet access during an e-learning day?

A: We understand that not all students have access to a device and/or the internet during the day due to individual situations, such as loss of internet due to inclement weather, child daycare, multiple students at home with a single computer, parent availability during the workday, no internet provider at home, etc.  Because of this, students will have five (5) school days to complete any assigned e-learning day tasks and assignments and turn in the work.

Q: Whom should I contact if I need tech support?

A: For technology support, please call 219-313-7493.
